Wee-wooo !!! Am so happy and in high spirits .. You might consider this silly but for me, gosh ! I've been trying to work this out for so long a time or to be frank was just pretending to at the least. Its a new technique ohw! I need to mention beforehand. I work with Electron Microscopes. If it sounds alien, this is a special tool to take you further down into the mesmerizing nanoworld. Nano - that’s the sate of the art of science. Hey I made it - to make nano sections out of the whole tissue junk which you get to evaluate. I may talk on and on regarding my work and my research I mean the other me, so better stop now.
Okie something more interesting ? I started singing again!! Dazed? I use to sing in choirs at my teens. But somehow it gave up the ghost. My talents the greatest gift, but stupid me. Ahh don’t get into the impression that am a mallu Celine Dion. But I can sing with no fleeing cows!
Anyways my desire consumed that something which pulled me back.
Am gonna rock with the church crew ! Sure will update the welcome air though.
Its like am I getting all that I dream?
1 month ago
oh... i get to know my choristers in different ways.... I mean the talent in them.... tara sings pretty well... thats a recent discovery...
TE.. all the best... God will act in His time... have the patience to wait till that....
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